6 Steps To Find A Fertility Expert

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for more than a year, then chances are you’ve started worrying about what’s wrong and how to fix it. It’s usually not just one thing. There is no magic pill. The answer is a combination of components. 

Most of the clients I see have complicated cases with multiple layers, disrupted hormones and imbalances throughout different systems. The cases are not simple because if they were then they’d be pregnant by now and they wouldn’t need my help. With complicated cases, it takes a combined approach and a team of fertility experts.

Find Your Fertility Team

1. General Practitioner (GP)

The first step is to go to your GP and have the basic blood tests. This will show you if you have the right balance of sex hormones and if you are ovulating. The problem with your regular doctor is that they are not specialised in fertility and will only be able to help you in a limited way. 

2. Western Medicine Fertility Expert

The next step is to get your doctor to refer you for further tests and to see a fertility expert. An experienced gynaecologist will be able to help diagnose your condition. Western medicine is excellent at testing, diagnosing, surgery and putting synthetic drugs into the body, but it is not good at balancing systems and helping the body to fix itself.

3. Natural Medicine Fertility Expert

Next, find a natural medicine fertility expert who can work with your western diagnosis and test results to measure the effectiveness of their own treatment. It might be a nutritionist, homeopath, Chinese medicine practitioner, or functional medicine practitioner. They will use their own methods of diagnosis, get to the root of your condition and support your body to fix itself. This is the beauty of natural medicine, but how do you find a practitioner that is a fertility expert?

4. Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Fertility Expert

Do your research and find a practitioner that actually specialises in fertility. Working with a practitioner who doesn’t solely work with fertility clients is like just relying on your regular doctor instead of going to a gynaecologist. Here are some questions you can ask them before working with them: 

  • Do they specialise in fertility and only see clients for fertility?

    1. How long they have been in practice?

    2. What qualifications do they have?

    3. Are they licensed and do they have insurance?

    4. What membership bodies are they part of?

    5. How many hours of continued professional development do they do each year?

    6. Have they ever had a disciplinary incident?

    7. How do they work in collaboration with other practitioners?

    8. How are they different from other fertility experts?

    9. What are the exact steps that they will take to help you get results?

    10. Have they helped other couples in your situation? 

    11. When have they not been able to help someone?

    12. What is their success rate?

5. IUI OR IVF Clinic

If you need to go for IUI or IVF, then don’t skip steps 3 and 4. Getting to the root of your fertility problem and fixing it before you spend all that time and money on IVF is vital to improving your chances of success. Here’s How To Choose An IVF Clinic.

6. Questions To Ask An IVF Clinic

If you’re paying for IVF yourself, then you want to spend some time making sure that the IVF clinic is right for you. Here is a list of Questions To Ask An IVF Clinic.

You might not get much choice on which Western medicine fertility experts to work with, because it largely depends on what hospitals and clinics are in your area. But you have a lot of choices when it comes to natural medicine fertility experts. Remember that there is a vast difference between the competency of practitioners and the results to expect. That is why I’ve spent the past year finding the best fertility experts to work with.

The NEW Plan Yourself Pregnant Team Of Fertility Experts

Last year we started working with one of the country’s most experienced Chinese medicine herbalists and got some incredible results. This year it will be even more powerful with a wealth of experience, multiple qualifications and systems that work.

I‘m thrilled to announce that we have a new Plan Yourself Pregnant Team Member. She is a top-class nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner who specialises in fertility. I am beyond excited to have her on the team and work with her to help clients get pregnant faster.

Rachel Bolton

My team and I help couples around the world to optimise their fertility and get pregnant.

We get to the root cause of fertility challenges and support couples to have healthy babies, even when doctors have told them they have a 0% chance.

We empower women to get clarity, take action and believe in themselves, as they prepare for pregnancy, get pregnant and have babies.


Coronavirus, Fear And Fertility


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