Food to eat every day to improve your chances of getting pregnant with IVF

If you know you have a few months before you start your IVF cycle, then there is plenty you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Allowing three months to prepare for IVF is the perfect amount of time because it takes around three months for an egg to develop and for sperm to be produced.

In a normal cycle, your body produces one mature egg. When you have IVF, there are more demands on your body. IVF drugs put your body into a temporary state of menopause and then stimulate many eggs to mature. If you want to increase your chances of having a healthy baby through IVF, then you need to be healthy before your cycle. One easy way to be healthier and to have a healthy baby is to eat healthy food. The food you eat can make a big difference in the outcome of your IVF.

If you eat the food detailed in this article, then it will dramatically increase your chances of a successful IVF cycle, reduce the risk of miscarriage and improve your chances of having a healthy baby.

We have all heard the phrase “you are what you eat” and it is true. If you eat processed food with chemicals, pesticides and preservatives then it puts toxins into your body, messes with your hormones and decreases your chances of getting pregnant.

Food to eat every day to increase your chances of getting pregnant when you are planning IVF:

1. Dark green vegetables – spinach, kale, chard and broccoli

High in folate, iron, zinc, chlorophyll, vitamins A, B, C and K and antioxidants.

These vegetables balance your hormones and eliminate excess oestrogen from your body. The high levels of iron help to build and nourish your blood. Eating dark green vegetables will help make a good lining in your womb to support implantation. And if you eat these vegetables every day then you will have more energy.

2. Dark berries – raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries

High in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, vitamins C, E and K.

If you eat dark berries every day then this will improve the quality of your eggs and sperm. The high levels of antioxidants kill free radicals that cause damage and destruction to cells. If you eat processed food, drink excess alcohol and don’t eat food high in antioxidants, then free radicals can cause damage to your cells and this could cause miscarriage.

3. Smoothie superfoods – spirulina, wheatgrass, maca and royal jelly

These superfoods are super because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, complex proteins and amino acids.

Maca is a root from South America renowned for increasing libido and balancing hormones. Royal jelly is a secretion that comes from bees and is one the best superfoods to improve your eggs and sperm. Spirulina is a freshwater algae that is really easy for the body to digest, it is rich in folate and builds blood and the lining of your womb. And wheatgrass is a kind of grass with concentrated nutrients.

If you add a spoon full to your smoothie each day, then you will find you have more energy, increased libido, and better-quality eggs and sperm. These superfoods balance your hormones, reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Smoothies are also an easy way to ensure you get your daily dose of dark green vegetables and berries.

4. Avocados

High levels of potassium, vitamin C, E, K, folate and monounsaturated fats.

Eat avocados every day and you can triple your chances of getting pregnant with IVF. The monounsaturated fat, folate and vitamin K help you to have a healthy baby. A study of 147 women showed that women eating more avocadoes and olive oil were 3.4 times more likely to get pregnant than those who were eating low levels of monounsaturated fats.

5. Seeds and oily fish – linseed (flaxseed), chia seeds, sardines and mackerel

High levels of essential fatty acids. They are essential because your body cannot produce them and you need them to keep your cells healthy. They create the outer membrane of your egg. Omega 3 is one of these essential fatty acids and this is particularly important to reduce inflammation. If you have inflammation in your body then this could cause problems with your periods and miscarriage.

6. Nuts – walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts

High levels of polyunsaturated fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Research shows that a selection of walnuts, almonds, brazil and hazelnuts support egg development, sperm motility and production. Walnuts are said to be the king of nuts for improving sperm. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which is vital for developing follicles and egg health.

7. Organic full-fat dairy – milk, cheese, eggs, yoghurt and crème fresh

High levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

Studies have shown that when you are trying to get pregnant, it is better to eat full-fat dairy products because when the fat is skimmed off the top, you radically change the balance of hormones. In skimmed milk, oestrogen and progesterone are removed and the male hormones are left. Having excess male hormones upsets your cycle and ovulation. It is also best to eat full-fat dairy because Vitamin D can only be absorbed with full fat.
If you eat reduced-fat dairy products then it contains unwanted ingredients to make it taste better and the calcium is harder to absorb into your body.
If you eat non-organic dairy then it has additional hormones and chemicals that can disrupt your hormone balance even more.

8. Coconut – oil, milk, water or in its natural form

High in fibre, vitamins C, E, B1, B1, B3, B5, B6, iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Studies are showing how coconuts are incredibly good for you. Coconuts are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, help with weight loss, balance your hormones and boost your immune system. Whilst it is good to eat full-fat dairy instead of the skimmed half-fat version, it is not ideal to be eating too many dairy products. I recommend substituting some of the dairy for some coconut. Coconut milk is a good alternative to cow’s milk. Coconut water is excellent to drink by itself or put in a smoothie. And coconut oil is the best thing to cook and bake with because it remains stable at high temperatures and does not smoke.

9. Brown carbohydrates – brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread and quinoa

High levels of fibre and a good source of energy for your body.

If you eat brown carbs then they are digested more slowly and there is a slower rise in blood sugar and less demand for insulin.
If you eat white carbs then they are digested too quickly because there is no fibre, blood sugar suddenly rises and increased amounts of insulin is produced. Studies have shown how high insulin levels disrupt hormones, affect ovulation and create inflammation.

How to implement what you have learnt

  1. Instead of this being just another article that you read and forget about. I challenge you to take action right now. If you know you have an IVF cycle coming up, then clean up your food habits right now to improve your chances of having a baby. Remember it takes 3 months for your egg to develop.

  2. Eat food from the list above every day. Cook natural, organic food from scratch.

  3. Go through your cupboards and give away or throw away food that contains chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, refined sugar and white carbs.

  4. Get organised and make a meal plan. One of the tricks to eating healthily is planning. Write a list of things to buy and then buy them.

  5. You need to have instant, easy, healthy snacks and meals that you can reach for when you are in a rush. Make some time on a Sunday to have a big cook-off and freeze meals for the future.

It takes three months to prepare for IVF. If you want to find out how to do this then contact me, type PREP for IVF and I’ll let you know if I can help.

Rachel Bolton

My team and I help couples around the world to optimise their fertility and get pregnant.

We get to the root cause of fertility challenges and support couples to have healthy babies, even when doctors have told them they have a 0% chance.

We empower women to get clarity, take action and believe in themselves, as they prepare for pregnancy, get pregnant and have babies.

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