When You Feel Like Giving Up TTC - 3 Case Studies

It’s hard to keep trying for a baby when you put in energy, time and money and it feels like you’re not getting anywhere. It can feel like you’re spinning your wheels and not moving. Here are three case studies to inspire you to keep going.

Case Study #1

You know that moment when you take a pregnancy test, get another big fat negative, throw the test in the bin and fall apart? That’s exactly what one of my clients did the other day. The thing was… the test was actually positive!

No line appeared and so she burst into tears, felt utterly depressed and thought ‘It’ll never happen for me.' She walked her dog for an hour, tears streaming down her face, then returned home and for some reason decided to check the test again.

1 hour later and she was pregnant!

Case Study #2

A client on the 1 Month Plan was making progress and taking steps to improve her fertility by:

  • Tracking her cycle and moving towards a Conceivable Cycle.

  • Eating the Fertilebiotic Food Plan and choosing different food for different phases of her cycle to optimise her hormones, cervical fluid and womb lining.

  • Reducing stress and interrupting her normal patterns to stay ahead of stress. 

She was doing all the right physical things to improve her fertility, but one day she had given up being brave and positive. Even though I could see her progress, it was hard for her to acknowledge and be hopeful. We worked on mindset and a way to process intense emotions.

1 month later and she’s pregnant. 

Case Study #3

You’ve heard me talk about doing things in the right order.

  1. Find out the facts and what’s stopping you from getting pregnant.

  2. Transform stress and regulate your hormones.

  3. Improve your body’s health and fertility.

  4. Reframe negative thoughts and emotions.

  5. Improve your relationship and focus on love.

My client had been doing these things for a year, in her own way that fitted with her lifestyle and career. She’d been steadily taking the right steps in the right order. She continued to improve her fertility, mentally let it all go and be kind to herself.

1 year later and she’s pregnant.

Keys To Keep Going When You're Trying To Conceive

1. Measure Your Cycle And Celebrate Your Success

It’s important to measure your progress, keep track of the small changes and celebrate every win, no matter how small. If you do this, then it helps keep you motivated and positive. 

2. Borrow Someone Else's Perspective

It’s normal to have days when you feel sad, especially when you’re trying for a baby. That’s why it’s so important to have a community and mentor who can help you see things in a different light and give you the support to keep moving forward.

3. Don’t Give Up

Keep dreaming, keep going and get the support you need to make your dreams happen.

Whether it's 1 hour, 1 month or 1 year, never mind the time frame, just make sure you know you've done all you can to make it happen.

Rachel Bolton

My team and I help couples around the world to optimise their fertility and get pregnant.

We get to the root cause of fertility challenges and support couples to have healthy babies, even when doctors have told them they have a 0% chance.

We empower women to get clarity, take action and believe in themselves, as they prepare for pregnancy, get pregnant and have babies.




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