How To Stop Sugar Cravings With Your Fertility Diet

How do you stop eating sugar to balance your hormones and improve your fertility when sugar tastes so good?

Brain scans show that dopamine (the pleasure hormone) is produced when we eat sugar. And that the reward and pleasure centres of the brain that are activated when taking opiates are also stimulated when we eat sugar.

We know it tastes good and it makes us feel good. Have you ever intended to just have one chunk of chocolate and then ended up eating the whole bar? There is no off-switch in the brain and so we can easily end up binging on sugar.

What Does Research Say About Sugar Addiction?

For humans the research on how addictive sugar is to humans is inconclusive. However, research on rats shows that sugar has the same addictive qualities as drugs like heroin or cocaine. Sugar triggers tolerance, meaning that more is needed to create the same enjoyable effect and it causes dependence, and so stopping sugar creates withdrawal symptoms.

Rats that had been fed sugar chose to eat more and more in preference to other food. When the sugar was taken away, they demonstrated withdrawal symptoms of shaking and teeth chattering.

Before you set off on a plan to quit sugar, get clear on the reasons about why it's important to balance your blood sugar to improve your fertility.

How To Reduce Sugar Cravings And Improve Your Fertility:

1. Avoid Triggers

Sugar is everywhere and you’re likely to get offered something sugary at least once a day. When I used to work in an office there was always cake and biscuits on offer. Try to avoid triggering situations when you first stop eating sugar to take the temptation away.

2. Empty Your Cupboards

Get rid of all the sugary food from your cupboards and fridge. Give away the sugar and replace it with healthy, nutrient-rich food to fuel your fertility. Allow more time when you go shopping to read food labels for hidden sugar.

3. Plan Your Meals

When you're stressed or tired, then it’s easy to crave sweet food or white carbs. Having a meal plan helps you to stay on track when you get home from a busy day. 

4. Eat Three Meals A Day

Balance your blood sugar by eating three meals a day at more or less the same time and this will help to keep your blood sugar balanced and avoid craving sugar.

5. Mineral Deficiencies

Check you don’t have a mineral deficiency. Eat more food with magnesium, calcium, zinc and chromium, like leafy greens.

6. Eat More Protein

Protein keeps your energy going for longer and so you don’t feel hungry between meals. Eating an egg for breakfast will stop you from craving sweet food in the morning.

7. Chew Food For Longer

Get your sweet hit from nutritious food instead. The longer you chew carrots, parsnips, beetroots, grains, beans and lentils, the sweeter they taste. 

8. Eat Fermented Food

Having good gut health is vital for fertility. Get the good bacteria back into your gut by eating fermented probiotic food, like sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented vegetables and kefir.

9. Eat Algae

Eat more spirulina, chlorella and wild blue-green algae to help regulate blood sugar and top up with magnesium.

10. Increase Serotonin

Boost serotonin levels to reduce cravings by eating more walnuts, eggs, cheese and drinking green tea.

11. Supplement Myo-inositol

If you think you might be insulin resistant, then take myo-inositol to help insulin work better. Myo-inositol is a vitamin-like compound found in many plants and animals and is also produced in the human body. It is commonly used for treating metabolism and symptoms associated with PCOS such as anovulation, as well as high levels of testosterone.

12. Reduce Stress

Stress can make you crave sweet food and unbalance your hormones. Avoid stress by taking breaks and rejuvenate at regular intervals throughout the day.

13. Exercise Daily

Try to exercise every day to increase serotonin and endorphins to keep the sugar cravings at bay. Take a brisk walk, do some yoga or go swimming.

14. Sleep Well

Have you noticed that crave more sweet food after a bad night’s sleep? Try to get at least 7 hours of good quality sleep and this will help your hormones and blood sugar.


Glenville M. (2000). Natural Solutions To Infertility. Piakus. London.

Pitchford P. (2002). Healing With Whole Foods. North Atlantic Books. California

Wilson S. (2015). I Quit Sugar. Pan Macmillian. London.

Wiss D. et al. (2018) Sugar Addiction From Evolution To Revolution. Front. Psychiatry

Rachel Bolton

My team and I help couples around the world to optimise their fertility and get pregnant.

We get to the root cause of fertility challenges and support couples to have healthy babies, even when doctors have told them they have a 0% chance.

We empower women to get clarity, take action and believe in themselves, as they prepare for pregnancy, get pregnant and have babies.

When You Feel Like Giving Up TTC - 3 Case Studies


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