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6 Ways To Improve Fertility This Summer
Do you change your fertility-boosting habits throughout your cycle? What about seasonally? How do you mix it up?
With summer here, it is time to switch it up. The way to improve fertility in the summer is different from what to do in the winter.
Mira Fertility Tracker
Do you get confused about when you ovulate? Are you taking your temperature or using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK)? Or maybe you use cervical mucus and cervix position to tell when you're ovulating?
Male Fertility: Your Guide to Improving Sperm
We all know that sperm is vital for conception. The quality of the sperm determines whether or not the woman will get pregnant and it can also affect how many eggs are fertilised. It’s also a fact that men and women are just as likely to contribute to fertility challenges.
Your Fertility Team
Imagine planning a wedding... Now imagine doing everything yourself. Making the wedding dress, cooking all the food, pouring everyone a glass of fizz, taking photos and playing music. Imagine that! It would be a nightmare.
Eat A Rainbow To Boost Your Fertility
Did your mum ever tell you to eat your greens? It turns out she was right because green vegetables are super important for health and fertility. You're probably packing in the kale and spinach, but what about all the other vegetables? Are you eating a rainbow every day?
Do You Have A Conceivable Cycle?
What is a Conceivable Cycle? And do you have one? The first step to discovering this is to take your body basal temperature (BBT) and note it down on a chart. Most people take their temperature as a way to see when they ovulate, but did you know that your BBT chart shows way more than just ovulation?
How To Avoid Fertility Stress And Burnout
Are you aware of how many stressors affect you every day? Do you know how to complete a stress cycle and avoid burnout? Stress is one of the key factors that stop women from getting pregnant. Stress hormones affect sex hormones, throw your cycles out and are the precursor to so many conditions.
Bet You'd Never Think To Celebrate Your Period
You feel like you've been doing everything right. Exercise, food, early nights and timing the baby dance through your fertility window. You're two days late and you convince yourself that you're pregnant... then you get your period. You feel a black cloud descends, as you retreat from the world for a day or two to eat chocolate and binge on Netflix. The fertility diet goes out of the window. You question all the effort that you put in this month and rebel by doing the opposite for a couple of days.
- Stress
- acupuncture
- fertility
- Get pregnant
- hormones
- cycle
- Period
- conceivable cycle
- perfect period
- fertility tips
- Fertility diet
- burnout
- mindset
- egg quality
- male infertility
- acupressure
- not pregnant
- sperm quality
- Endometriosis
- Miscarriage
- Christmas
- Infertility solution
- relationship
- Fibroids
- infertility
- IVF Preparation
- fertility hero
- keep trying for baby
- sugar
- coronavirus