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How To Be Happy When You’re Not Pregnant
Desire creates suffering because it is wanting something to be different from how it is. The desire of wanting a baby is up there with the biggest desires that you can ever have. Along with survival, you are hard-wired to desire a baby more than anything else in the world.
It’s my birthday today and I wanted to take a moment to connect with you. I’m big on birthdays and new year because it gives me space to assess where I am and where I want to be. Today, I’m doing lots of self-reflection, I'm feeling the feels and wanted to share how I move through days like this.
It’s Not His Fault
When your man doesn’t get it. It’s not his fault. He’s just not built in the same way you are. He doesn’t daydream the way you do. It’s not on purpose. He just doesn’t remember significant dates the way you do.
- fertility
- Stress
- hormones
- cycle
- Period
- conceivable cycle
- perfect period
- fertility tips
- Fertility diet
- burnout
- mindset
- egg quality
- male infertility
- acupressure
- sperm quality
- Endometriosis
- Miscarriage
- Christmas
- acupuncture
- relationship
- Fibroids
- infertility
- IVF Preparation
- fertility hero
- keep trying for baby
- sugar
- coronavirus
- Get pregnant
- not pregnant
- Infertility solution